Clear Vision Drops: Finding the Answers Within

by the Seed SistAS

We love to work with our Clear Vision Drops to connect with our inner wisdom. To embrace the sweet silence of our own souls and the inner knowledge and intuition gifted to us through generations. The dark moon-shaped bilberries live high on the moorlands and mountains with their wise friend Heather. Heather, a more jovial spirit, enhances the knowledge of the master bilberry with her humour.

Heather is known as an amazing kidney remedy, full of arbutin, a urinary antiseptic and also anti-inflammatory. Kidney health is related to seeing clearly and having strong vision, we use this as a sign that Heather also helps us to connect with the Oracle within, supporting us to follow our own intuition and internal compass.

Bilberry is a specific venous tonic, especially the blood vessels that supply the eyes. It is amazing to harvest bilberries, focusing your sights on the low-lying bushes, searching intently for her tiny jewel berries, knowing that her medicine will support the very eyesight that you need to find her. Again, strengthening our vision on the physical plane can also reverberate in our interior being, increasing our ability “to see” and search inwards, gaining clarity on questions we may be grappling with. The dark bilberries are also full of nutritive flavonoids, promoting immunity, health and vitality.

Writing a Journal with Clear Vision Drops

When issues come up in our lives to which we cannot find a clear answer, we like to use the Clear Vision drops alongside writing a journal to help bring insight and clarity to the situation.

Make the time each morning when you wake up, or evening before bed to write in your journal. It is often useful to write freely for 5 minutes or so, emptying your head of any chatter, anxiety, frustration or worries that may be clouding your thoughts and inspiration. Then write down the question or issue you are grappling with and write intuitively and freely about this, putting literally anything that comes into your head onto paper and then stepping back to see if any answers or ideas have arisen. 

Begin this journaling by taking 3 drops of Clear Vision onto the tongue with the mantra: 

“I open my eyes and heart to my intuition and inspiration from within.”


“I have all the answers I need.”

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