Skin Infection and the Power of Herbs | Seed Sistas Skin Infection and the Power of Herbs | Seed Sistas | Herbal Evolutions Cultivating Change

Skin Infection and the Power of Herbs

Fresh Lavender

by Fiona Heckels

My son fell over on one of those bridges that go over the railway line at stations. They are super hard, sharp and lumpy and really scruffy. His leg was wiped but not cleaned with herbs, and he developed a really big scab on one knee and a smaller one on the other.

After a few days the scab was looking very red and inflamed around it (not a good sign) and little pustules were forming around the area. After a couple of weeks of an extremely persistent cleansing routine that we put in place with herbal teas, Myrrh powder and Healing Balm, his knees eventually cleared up. He had clearly had a very nasty secondary infection.

A couple of weeks later he acquired a graze on the other knee — nothing to shout home about but within days it was obvious it wasn’t improving as quickly as it could. I was shocked one morning to see that tiny pustules were spreading up his leg, nearly into his groin area and some were even appearing on the opposite knee where the skin had been touching.

We immediately initiated a full on cleansing routine. We infused our ImmuniTea in boiling water and prepared a strong preparation for the cleaning each day and a slightly weaker one to go in a drinks bottle to be drunk throughout the day. We used Inula, Myrrh and Propolis tinctures dropped into the strong tea as an external rub, followed by Myrhh powder and then Healing Balm on top of that.

At times I would change the routine around, aware that MRSA bugs can develop resistance to antibiotics very rapidly.

This infection may not have been MRSA, it may have been a virulent staph infection, but it was super powerful and looked potentially very dangerous. If infections like this get into the blood, it can lead to septicaemia.

The spots reduced in number and the infection site became more focused around the knees. We were persistent, it was time consuming, but the power of the herbs shone through. Time and again, I see herbs have miraculous effects like this, observed especially since having children and being their main health-care provider.

The MRSA infection can be harboured in the bones and reappear if skin is broken in the area again. We treated the whole body, giving him ImmuniTea herbs to boost him up, support the lymph and nourish and protect the blood.

I have supported others with a similar regime when antibiotics have failed to efficiently rid the skin of MRSA long-term. In one case in particular, the MRSA infection was present in the mucous membranes of the nose and were causing persistent scabbing, bleeding and pus. By using the same powerful herbs I used on my son, this person’s comfort and skin improved.

Healing Balm has Calendula which has multiple actions — it is resin rich and extremely healing, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. We add Hypericum and Lavender infused oils as well as Lavender essential oil for additional wound healing, antimicrobial effects.

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