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Warming Spiced Oat Milk Recipe
It’s a really good idea to familiarise yourself with the healing potential of everyday larder ingredients. Spices are generally warming in nature and so promote the expulsion of bugs from the body. Let’s have a closer look at some of the more common spices…
Nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom, star anise
Cinnamon tastes so sweet, is warming and digestive. Ginger increases you body temperature helping its natural healing capacity and pushing the bugs out. The cloves are antiseptic and locally numb pain (have you ever chewed a clove?), great for a sore throat. And cardamom pods and nutmeg feel calming for the tummy.
You often see tummy disruptions with viral infections.
Warming Spiced Oat Milk…mmm
1 inch grated ginger root
Crushed cinnamon stick or teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
1/4 of nutmeg freshly grated
4 cloves
2 star anise
4 green cardamon pods – split
One cup water
Litre oat milk (any preferred milk also works as well)
- Add all of the spices to a little water in a pan and cover with a lid
- Simmer it for 20 mins, adding a little more water (only if needed)
- Add the milk and warm through
- Strain through a tea strainer as you pour into cups. Add honey to taste
This lovely, tasty, medicinal drink can make the sinuses feel clearer, warm the chest and shift mucous, soothe the throat, calm the tummy and clear the mind.
This spicy milky drink is also great for any tummy upsets, period pains, sniffly colds , sore throats or just as a warming drink after a chilly walk in nature. We often drink it sitting round the fire pit on chilly evenings.
Dairy is mucous producing and will make chesty coughs seem worse. We always use rice, oat or hemp milk.