St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
This midsummer flower, herb of the Sun, is ready to harvest on his namesake’s day, St. John’s Day, the 21st of June. Often found on waste ground and waysides, Hypericum’s little yellow flowers brighten any path. When crushed between the fingers, they emit a blood red stain and after a good harvesting session we often have red- purple fingers. Keep reading to find out how Hypericum Magic can help to limit stress and anxiety.
These plants seem perfectly balanced with strong erect stems, branches arranged like symmetrical wings, oval green leaves speckled with tell-tale perforations when held to the sun, lovely little oil glands. The Latin name, Hypericum, is derived from a Greek word meaning “over an apparition” and the plant was believed to ward off evil spirits. This highlights its modern use as an anti-depressant since depression is often described as ‘being taken over’, ’loss of control’ or ‘feeling low’.
The second botanical name perforatum signifies the perforations or little dots on the green leaves that you can see if you hold them up to the sun, which are in fact oil glands. This wonderful Solar Herb has restorative and relaxing gifts on offer. A herb that literally invites the rays of the sun in to lift the darkest of moods. It is known as a thymoleptic herb. The term thymoleptic is an old term which means the herb has the ability to raise the mood and counteract depression.
It is a wonderful herb that when imbibed over time, usually results in an improved overall sense of well-being. The red dye, that stains our fingers when the herb is crushed, is a sign of the wound healing properties, and an infused oil of the flowers goes from pale yellow of the almond oil to deep blood red in a matter of a few days when left in full sunshine. We love to employ this red oil over the heart area to strengthen a person’s self-belief. When they might feel fragile in the world and in need of some protection.
Uplifting herb of Sunshine
Traditionally used to ward off evil spirits, melancholia can sometimes be seen as allowing invading energies into your ether. This powerful Nervine herb aids in drawing strength back into yourself. We also utilise Hypericum externally where there is any damage to the nervous system. Nerves are coated in a protective sheath and Hypericum has the ability to heal and repair all aspects of the Nerves. Often utilised to treat conditions where there is a excessive anxiety, stress & tension, such as insomnia, cramps and colic of the viscera and uterus, diarrhoea, and bed wetting in children.
Clinical trials have reported improved sleep quality, an increase in deep sleep phases, and an improvement in cognitive functions as well as significant improvement in mood and levels of interest and activity. In a preliminary study of a Hypericum preparation combined with light therapy in patients with seasonal affective disorders also known as S.A.D., has been known to help.
Hypericum Alchemical Oil
This warming and stimulating, strong and supportive herb makes a fantastic balm for any type of viral infection especially the Herpes viruses that lie dormant in the nervous tissues, coming out to erupt in unsightly and painful blisters when under pressure or stress.
infused herb oils
To make a balm:
After harvesting, the flowers are best left on a sheet of newspaper over night to dry out slightly, then placed in a jar and covered with almond oil, and a lid. The infusing flowers can then be left to macerate in sunlight (e.g. on a sunny windowsill) to gather the potency of the solar rays for a further 3-12 months, depending on your potion intent.
Creating our beautiful Hypericum balm
Makes 3 x 60g jars or 12 x 15g lip balm pots
• 100ml of Hypericum infused almond (or other) oil
• Place this in a Pyrex bowl and add 50g of cocoa or shea butter and 25g of beeswax
• Put your mix over a bain marie and melt until it liquefies.
• Test the consistency by dripping a small amount onto a chilled saucer from the fridge.
• Add more wax or oil if needed in tiny amounts.
• Pour into clean sterilised jars and screw on the lid…
Try out our Hypericum Lip Balm here!
Don’t stop reading yet…..!
If you’re keen to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself but not sure of what you need for relaxing and finding peace, sign up for our Pathway to Peace online course. Delve into plant magic, unearth skills, and develop tools for keeping calm and nervous system nourishment.
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