Drops of Courage (30ml)
Strength to move through
Contains: dandelion root for tenacity, daisy for innocence, borage to transcend
These drops support:
• Through stress and strain
• Resilience to face challenges
• Gaining a clear sense of self
• Dissolving confused or irrational feelings
• Creative, expansion of energy
• Strengthening convictions
• Helping to be light in the face of adversity
Dandelion shifts and grounds, strengthening the emotional body and giving a clearer sense of self. It directly supports the digestion to dissolve confusing, ‘irrational’ feelings. Dandelion’s tap root digs down deep, helping you to get to the root of an issue.
Borage and Dandelion are both ruled by Jupiter, which has a creative, expansive energy. Borage is traditionally used for courage making all of life’s challenges easier to face and giving us strength in our convictions.
Daisy brings joy to those who take it and as a herb of the sun, cleanses and lightens. The Daisy blooms, are constantly being trodden down, but amazingly, bounce back, signalling strength of character and resilience.