Healing Balm

A combination of healing infused oils of Calendula, hypericum and lavender and protective essential oil of lavender. This is a wonderful day to day cream for your herbal tool kits, smoothing skin and supporting wounds, spots and abrasions.


Detox Tea (Approx 25g)

This cleansing blend is created to support the flow of fluids through the body, aiding in eliminating excess.


Meditation Drops (30ml)

The Seed SistAs developed our Meditation Drops with a connection to the heavens and the great Universe in mind.  The herbs in this blend balance the wonderful duality of delving inside ourselves, deep into our subconscious world whilst also connecting us with the macro- sphere, to the heavens and universal truth.


Drops of Courage (30ml)

Strength to move through

Contains: dandelion root for tenacity, daisy for innocence, borage to transcend


Tension Tamer Tea (Approx 25g)

The relaxing mix of herbs is designed with chilling out and letting go in mind containing herbs that are relaxing, anti-anxiety, nervine & anodyne
Examples of herbs: mugwort, meadowsweet, primrose, passionflower, chamomile, lavender, lime flowers.
