Lucid Dreaming With Herbs (Live webinar, September 2025)

Certain herbs are known for aiding dreamwork and supporting lucid dreaming. Find out how mugwort, vervain, valerian, passionflower and yarrow can help you connect to the wisdom of your dreams.

Date: 18/09/2025 | Time: 7:30pm


If you are a member of The Coven Of Herbal Secrets, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more. Check it out HERE.

What does it cover?

  • Learn how to create dream-enhancing teas, rituals, and practices to awaken the wisdom waiting for you on the other side of sleep.
  • We’ll cover herbs to promote intuitive and sensory connections to plants with the dream space.
  • The webinar will be recorded and available in your account to view afterwards.
  • There will be a Q&A session at the end of the live webinar.

A blurry view of the sky and the moon through tree branches

A small glass bottle with cork with white dandelion pappus inside.

Who is it for?

Are you fascinated by the idea of herbs that can open doors to the dream world, enhancing your ability to dream lucidly and explore realms beyond the physical? If you’re ready to journey into the dream world with these dreamy plant allies, join us for this deep dive into herbs for lucid dreaming.

What will you find out?

  • We will talk about herbs that are traditionally revered by many cultures for an ability to connect us to the spirit world such as mugwort, valerian, vervain, passionflower and yarrow.
  • We’ll look at ways to apply herbs to lucid dream practices.

A watercolour painting of a dreamy herbal garden

A word from the authors

Mugwort, a classic dream herb known for an ability to enhance dream recall and intensify lucid experiences. Traditionally revered by many cultures for an ability to connect us to the spirit world, Mugwort invites us into deeper layers of consciousness during sleep, helping us to remember and interpret our dreams with clarity. We’ll look at ways to apply this herb to these practices.

Valerian, known for calming effects, doesn’t just aid with restful sleep; but can help clear mental chatter and anxiety, making it easier to slip into vivid dreams.

Vervain, another powerful herb for dreaming, promotes relaxation and mental clarity, grounding your intentions and setting the stage for dream journeys.

Passionflower, gentle yet potent, helps soothe the nervous system, inducing a sense of peace that opens us up to more introspective and reflective dreams.

Yarrow, an herb connected to psychic protection, is an ideal companion for those looking to feel safe as they explore the depths of their dreamscapes.

Be More Plant

Further learning

Did you know, if you are a member of The Coven, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more?

Find out more >

Our blog articles about herbs for dreaming:

The Power Of Mugwort For Lucid Dreaming

Meditation Drops

Valerian Root An Insomniacs Best Friend

3 Herbs To Enhance Psychic Abilities

The Coven Of Herbal Secrets

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