Max Chill (30ml)

Maximum Chill 30ml Drops
Face life‘s challenges with calm strength
Contains: lemon balm (abundance), vervain (peace), oats (protection)


These drops support:
Finding stillness amongst the ebbs and flows of the emotional body

Facing life’s challenges with calm strength

Absorbing and processing information

Easing emotional pressures

Subtle strength

Feeling nourished and protected


Anxiety & Stress

Lemon balm is soothing, relaxing & refreshing. As a herb of the moon it helps to control the ebbs and flows of the emotional body and has also been known as ‘heart‘s delight’. It is said to increase mental stamina and as a digestive herb helps to absorb and process information.

Vervain was traditionally used to drive away emotional pressures. It strengthens centers and calms the emotions acting on both the liver and the nervous system.

Oats support & nourish the nervous system. Full of vital nutrients it provides a subtle strength.

Milk Thistle (30 Capsules)

Milk Thistle Capsules (Organic)
£3.50 P&P


Perception Potion (30ml)

Perception Potion created for people who might feel stuck in a rut. – Gain a new perceptive and shift negativity.

These drops help us to ‘Open up to visualizing vibrancy  – open to CHANGE’


Contains: Calamus, oats,, Inula, marshmallow root, moonflower essence.


Herbal Mouthwash (50ml)

Ingredients: Tinctures of Myrrh, Calendula, Frankincense, Propolis and essential oils of Tea Tree and Peppermint


Meditation Drops (30ml)

The Seed SistAs developed our Meditation Drops with a connection to the heavens and the great Universe in mind.  The herbs in this blend balance the wonderful duality of delving inside ourselves, deep into our subconscious world whilst also connecting us with the macro- sphere, to the heavens and universal truth.
