Perception Potion (30ml)

Perception Potion created for people who might feel stuck in a rut. – Gain a new perceptive and shift negativity.

These drops help us to ‘Open up to visualizing vibrancy  – open to CHANGE’


Contains: Calamus, oats,, Inula, marshmallow root, moonflower essence.


These drops support:

  • Perception shifting
  • Deep seated addiction or negative habitual patterns
  • Emotional or physical pain
  • Understanding our dark side
  • Low mood
  • Releasing apathy
  • Letting go of limitations and inhibitions

Lavender (10ml)

100% Pure and Natural Lavender Essential Oil
Suitable for use in aromatherapy blends and candle manufacture.
Reputed actions: Relaxing, Soothing and Restoring.
10 ml bottle


Herbal Mouthwash (50ml)

Ingredients: Tinctures of Myrrh, Calendula, Frankincense, Propolis and essential oils of Tea Tree and Peppermint


Clear Vision (30ml)

At this time, we Seed SistAs use our Clear Vision Drops to connect with our inner wisdom. To embrace the sweet silence of our own souls and the inner knowledge and intuition gifted to us through generations.
