Seed Sistas’ Sensory Herbal Oracle Cards
The Seed Sistas distil over 20 years of clinical and teaching experience into these 40 plant-themed stunningly illustrated herbal oracle cards. This deck will link users to much-loved plants and empower them to take charge of their own healthcare. It will inspire reconnection with the land, the elements and the seasons.
Coming 13th May 2025. Pre-order Yours Today!
Included In This Absolutely Unique And Magical Herbal Oracle Cards Deck:
40 Beautifully Illustrated Herbal Oracle Cards (5 Element Cards + 35 Herb Cards)
A Book With Detailed Plant Profiles And Card Connections Instructions Â
The 176pp Book Included In The Deck Covers:
- Unique herbal oracle card spreads created for this deck to explore issues in depth.
- Herbal healing tools that work. We tried and tested them in the clinic, the classroom as well as in the field.
- Powerful visuals for intuitive access to plants. Each card’s illustration teaches plant medicine through the visual imagery. It is easy to learn and understand but at the same time offering complex meaning and guidance.
- Detailed instructions regarding the connections between cards. We divided the cards into elemental suits: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit to allow multi-layered readings.
- Detailed plant profiles. The level of information is uniquely detailed for a plant oracle deck. It ranks from the derivation and meanings of common names to folklore, therapeutic benefits, meaning in a reading and overall usage of the herb.
We Created The Herbal Oracle Cards And The Guide To Enable You To Interact With Herbs In Many Different Intuitive Ways
We created the cards for all those interested in plant medicine, paganism, witchcraft, and connecting with nature. This is a guide to opening yourself to the healing power of plants as well as to the support the natural world offers as you face life’s challenges. It will enable you to interact with the herbs in many different creative ways.
Inspire Reconnection With The Land, The Elements And The Seasons

Herbal Healing Tools That Work

Powerful Visuals