BOTANICA 2018: Celebrating Herbs & Clinical Aromatherapy
August 31st-Sept 3rd 2018 | University of Sussex, Brighton.
Botanica is an international conference celebrating herbs and clinical aromatherapy and, naturally, herbal medicine. It is not aligned to any one group or association.
It aims to bring together practitioners, researchers, distillers, teachers, suppliers etc from around the world so that we can share our love and knowledge of medicinal plants.
The Botanica conference takes place every 2 years and this is the last time that it is expected to take place in the UK for some time. You can see more details here:

We have several world-renowned herbalists speaking at the conference this year including:
> Holly Bellebuono (author of Women Healers of the World)
> Julie Bruton-Seal & Matthew Seal (authors of Hedgerow Medicine )
> Johnathan Treasure (Cannabis and Cancer – Fact, Fake News & Phytotherapy)
> Anne McIntyre (author of The Complete Woman’s Herbal)
> Carole Guyett (author of Sacred Plant Initiations)
We also have expert speakers on essential oils and hydrosols from distillers, researchers, authors and clinicians from around the world. And there will be a preview of clips and Q&A with the producers of the essential oil documentary Uncommon Scents: The Movie featuring interviews with illuminaries such as Robert Tisserand, Jeanne Rose and many more.

See the full conference programme here.
> Fascinating lectures on essential oils, hydrosols & herbal medicine from world-renowned experts
> Meet hydrosol & essential oil distillers
> Workshops with specialist teachers
> Learn from researchers & experienced clinicians
> Meet like-minded people who love medicinal herbs, aromatic plants and natural ingredients.
> International Trade Show: browse stalls, try samples, meet the people who produce natural ingredients.
> Enjoy learning in at this friendly and sociable gathering!
View and book conference tickets and workshops here: