The Details
- We are offering this exclusive 29-day online course from Wednesday 3rd March – Wednesday 31st March 2021
- Introductory live webinar on Thursday 4th March 7.30pm GMT
- Closing live webinar on Wednesday 31st March 7.30pm GMT
- With 40 days available to access the entire course
- Learn about herbs and tools for stress management, better sleep and nourishment of the nervous system.
Start your herbal sleep journey
Find out moreAn introduction
Could it be possible to learn how to sleep the kind of sleep you only ever dreamed of? We believe so, and our aim is to provide you with the tools to take your first tentative steps on a path to experience the life-affirming power of a great night’s sleep.
We know that if sleep has all but deserted you, the thought of going to bed each night can be a daunting prospect. So why not let us bestow our many years’ knowledge of herbal remedies, plants and meditations to provide some relief if, for example, your immunity has taken a bashing, your stress levels have soared sky high or you feel like your tolerance has hit rock bottom.
Just maybe, by introducing some simple techniques and herbal recipes to your daily routine, you could start to see a light at the end of that exhausting, sleepless tunnel; the lightness that a great night’s sleep may give you.
So if you are feeling overwhelmed with exhaustion, at your wits end by those crazy, restless legs; are experiencing too many repetitive thoughts or worries, or perhaps your nocturnal toilet visits have become way too frequent; by introducing a mixture of nervine relaxant herbs into your life, daily practices of deliciously restorative meditations, mixed with a large handful of nurturing self-love tools, you can set yourself up for nourishing, deep, healing sleep.
It is our heart’s desire to send you to bed each night with a smile on your face, yawning with each step, towards the best night’s sleep you’ve had in a long time.
About the course
Taking the time to try and fix your sleepless issues could dramatically change your life. Just imagine how happy you may feel if, after only 29 days of learning, you started to sleep again!
By following our Sensory Sleep System you can begin to create a sense of calm as well as introducing a peaceful, much less stressful attitude to life.
This may be the beginning of nurturing much healthier relationships, or creating some productive time in your life to just feel more sorted about everything. And by learning how to use certain herbs you can find a deep connection to the earth and the environment around you, setting in motion a newfound love of your own beautiful universe.
Come and create a set of practices to greatly impact your realm of slumber; transmuting nightly, restless anxieties or brain-whirr into blissful, deep, delicious sleep.
Included in the course
- 29 days of content, exercises and practices
- Access to two live webinars, recorded and accessible in the training area
- Videos, practicals, written and audio content
- Nourishing recipes
- Healing meditations
- Seven plant profiles with accompanying exercises
- Creative self-care tasks
- PDF downloadable gifts along the way
What you’ll learn
- How to develop healthy sleep habits
- How to use herbs and plants for the best night’s sleep
- How to protect and clear energies
- How to release worry and circular thought patterns
- About the nervous system and the impact of good sleep
- To self-accept and release inhibitions
- About sacred intentions and manifestations
- How Moon Cycles can work for you
- How to move and feel the rhythms of life
How you will learn
- Each day you will be sent a link to the day’s subject matter
- The days can be worked through at your own pace
- You can return to past content throughout the course
- Each day will include optional tasks, plus working with herbs, and video or audio content to enliven the senses
- You will be sent links to the webinars and joining instructions
- You will have 40 days access in total
- With an opportunity to upgrade to 12-months access
Start your herbal sleep journey
Find out moreThis bundle contains a combination of our lovely herbal remedies that provide nourishment for mind, body and soul when taken in combination especially in combination with the 29 day Sensory Sleep System Course.
4 Products are included:
Rosie’s Super Foods
Tension Tamer (sleepy tea) – California poppy, oats, rose, lavender, and passionflower.
Night Time drops
Meditation drops

What time will the sessions be?
You work through each day’s sessions at your own convenience. The self-care tasks may need a little forward planning to create time and space to complete them.
How much time is needed for daily commitment?
Daily you will receive
- an audio intro
- plant video and plant guide
- an exercise or additional meditation and journal prompts
These can take, in total, around 30 mins – 1 hour to work through.
The nightly meditation is in addition to each day’s provision. It is 12 minutes long and the other guided meditations range from 10 to 20 minutes in length.
The tasks that are the most involved are on the self-care days. These range from taking a bath to going on a bit of a pilgrimage to meet your local lime flower tree. In essence, it is about the amount of time you gift yourself.
Most people have spent around 1hr daily on the course.
You will benefit by making the time to fit the course around your work in order to really invest in yourself and your plant journey.
What will access to the course look like?
A link will be sent each day, early in the morning, and will include details of where and whom to contact for technical issues. This link will also take you to the area of the course for that day. However, you will need to go back to the last sections you completed and work through them to release each sumptuous offering. The course is designed to take you on a journey.
You will have access to the whole of the previous days as you continue through.
The Welcome Pages will always be there for you to view and refer back to.
You will spend the first two days exploring sleep, and you may also want to refer to these two days of scene setting and sleep coaching throughout the course. The nightly meditation will also be introduced here, but gifted as a download, so you can listen on a device without needing to be online.
Do I have to attend each online class at a certain time, or will I be able to pick up the course at my own personal time?
The course is drip fed over the 29 days via links sent to your inbox but you are free to choose when you complete them. You should complete each day before moving onto the next bit and you can do this at your own leisure.
You will have access to the whole of the previous days as you continue through.
The Welcome Pages will always be there for you to view and refer back to.
You will spend the first two days exploring sleep, and you may also want to refer to these two days of scene setting and sleep coaching throughout the course. The nightly meditation will also be introduced here, but gifted as a download, so you can listen on a device without needing to be online.
I will not be able to do these dates, what would you suggest instead?
You will have access to the whole of the previous days as you continue through.
The Welcome Pages will always be there for you to view and refer back to.
You will spend the first two days exploring sleep, and you may also want to refer to these two days of scene setting and sleep coaching throughout the course. The nightly meditation will also be introduced here, but gifted as a download, so you can listen on a device without needing to be online.
I am going to be away for a few days in the middle of the course what shall I do?
Either take a device with you and carry on your lessons or press pause on the course and pick it up when you get back. There are 40 days in total from the start date during which you will have access to the content. There is also a short catchup period of 5 days, after day 23 of the course is delivered, before the final webinar.
The nightly sleep meditation is downloadable onto a device and is the part that is essential to continue with each night over a break period.
You will have access to the whole of the previous days as you continue through.
The Welcome Pages will always be there for you to view and refer back to.
You will spend the first two days exploring sleep, and you may also want to refer to these two days of scene setting and sleep coaching throughout the course. The nightly meditation will also be introduced here, but gifted as a download, so you can listen on a device without needing to be online.
Will the webinars be recorded?
Both the live webinars will be recorded and added to your course area to re-watch or catch-up with afterwards.
Can I access the live webinar if I haven't completed the course?
Yes, It is not essential to have completed the course in its entirety before the webinar. Look out for the emails to register for the webinar.
The first live webinar is on day 2 of the course and the second is on day 29. Before the 2nd live webinar there are several days, after the delivery of day 23, to catch up with missed sessions.
Will there be further costs incurred during the course, if so, what would they be?
Disclaimer: The information made available on this website is not medical advice and is in no way intended to replace medical advice. Any changes in diet or nutrition can have impacts on the body and it is up to users of this website to take responsibility for and ameliorate any problems that arise as a result of any advice they voluntarily implement. Please ensure that you see your primary care provider if you have any health abnormalities.