Fresh Start Tonic (100ml)

The combination of these plant tinctures (turmeric, dandelion leaf, dandelion root) will support your organs of elimination and give you an extra boost.


Our Fresh Start Drops are wonderful for a cleanse 

The combination of these plant tinctures (turmeric, dandelion leaf, dandelion root) will support your organs of elimination and give you an extra boost.

Piss Ease Tea (Approx 25g)

This tea blend contain herbs that are urinary antiseptic, diuretic, soothing-demulcent and designed to support and nourish the bladder and renal system.

Examples of herbs: heather, horsetail, marshmallow, lavender, nettle


Night-time Tonic (100ml)

In our Night-Time sleep mix we have blended together three herbs with restorative, relaxing and gently sedating actions.


Belly Blend Calming Tea (Approx 25g)

The calming and soothing blend contains herbs that are Anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, carminative, & slightly bitter to aid with improving digestion.

Examples of herbs: chamomile, fennel, mint, meadowsweet


Rosie’s Superherbs (125g)

This is a power-packed food powder, create from abundantly growing plants.  They contain rosehip, alfalfa, nettle leaf, barley grass, globe artichoke and kelp.

These herbs are full of nutrients that support the system encouraging greater clarity and energy.
