Fresh Start Tonic (100ml)

The combination of these plant tinctures (turmeric, dandelion leaf, dandelion root) will support your organs of elimination and give you an extra boost.


Our Fresh Start Drops are wonderful for a cleanse 

The combination of these plant tinctures (turmeric, dandelion leaf, dandelion root) will support your organs of elimination and give you an extra boost.

Max Chill (30ml)

Maximum Chill 30ml Drops
Face life‘s challenges with calm strength
Contains: lemon balm (abundance), vervain (peace), oats (protection)


Tension Tamer Tea (Approx 25g)

The relaxing mix of herbs is designed with chilling out and letting go in mind containing herbs that are relaxing, anti-anxiety, nervine & anodyne
Examples of herbs: mugwort, meadowsweet, primrose, passionflower, chamomile, lavender, lime flowers.


Clear Vision (30ml)

At this time, we Seed SistAs use our Clear Vision Drops to connect with our inner wisdom. To embrace the sweet silence of our own souls and the inner knowledge and intuition gifted to us through generations.


Ache Ease Balm

A warming blend of horseradish, comfrey, heather and essential oils of rosemary and peppermint, this is a long-loved, muscle and ache balm.
