PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR: Medicinal Mushrooms
Hear our stories and tips on foraging, preparing, creating, and consuming medicinal mushrooms. Our ancestors knew the truly magic powers of the marvelous mushroom, both for food and medicine. They are nutritional and therapeutic powerhouses to support energy, immune systems and cognitive functioning.
Step into the wild world of medicinal mushrooms and gain a deeper understanding of your own body and how the mushrooms that spring up all in the woods and wilds can support your health and well-being.
If you are a member of The Coven, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more…check it out HERE
The Seed SistAs have been using fantastical fungi in our kitchens and garden cabinets for more than 20 years. The medicinal use of mushrooms has seen a revival in today’s modern cultures around the world and are re-learning the powers of fantastical fungi and their powerful health benefits.
We will cover our Medicinal Mushroom Materia Medica, making mushroom preparations, psilocybin research, growing medicinal mushrooms, and much more in our online webinar.
If you’ve ever wondered how you can nourish the life of nutritional mushrooms to support and balance your health, then you’ll find out the answers all your questions in this evening’s online event where you can develop a confident relationship with these powerful fungal allies.
- What is the most powerful medicinal mushroom?
- What mushrooms are good medicinally?