Scrying & Psychic Connection – Divination With Herbs (Pre-recorded webinar)

From our years of experience and experimentation with magical practices, we bring you scrying and divination. In this workshop we will discuss how to tap into psychic abilities, which herbs to use and how to trust the process.


If you are a member of The Coven Of Herbal Secrets, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more. Check it out HERE.

What does it cover?

  • Herbs and divination.
  • What is divination?
  • What herbs are good for divination?
  • If you can use herbs for magic even as a beginner and where to start.
  • How herbs can be imbibed and celebrated to enhance scrying and divination?
  • Reading tea leaves.
  • Using herb stems to focus intentions and direction.

Elder scrying syrup

Who is it for?

If you have ever wondered how to bring the magic of story-books into your life, this webinar is for you.

What will you find out?

  • How we make a special potion that gifts great scrying potential – the Elder?
  • What the individual herbs have to teach us?
  • We’ll explore how we get out of our own way to enhance divinatory practices and their interpretation.
  • We’ll look at going deep, how to open, protect, delve deep and return safely with divinatory practices.
  • We will look at what herbs can be imbibed and celebrated to enhance scrying and divination.
  • We’ll also focus on our Meditation Drops (currently only available in the UK).

Elderberry in a coper bawl

The Coven Of Herbal Secrets

Further learning

Did you know, if you are a member of The Coven, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more?

Find out more >

Microdosing (Pre-recorded webinar)

What is the hype with microdosing? Covering depression, trauma, anxiety, PTSD, smoking cessation

Join us for a fascinating webinar talking dosage, microdosing, magical herbs and fungi that have become big business in the pharmaceutical sphere!


Hayfever, Eczema, Food Intolerance And Allergies (Pre-recorded webinar)

Find out root causes of hypersensitivity reactions and how to support the body with this webinar.

Join us for a fascinating journey into hypersensitivity reactions. In this webinar we explore what lies beneath and what herbs can relieve symptoms of intolerances and allergies.


Herbal First Aid (Pre-recorded webinar)

Speaking and learning of apocalyptic survival skills!

This is a great workshop for learning some simple preparations and ideas about herbs for first aid situations. That is treating everyday situations with herbs.


Harvesting Medicinal Herbs (Live webinar, May 2025)

Discover how to identify, gather, and preserve powerful plants at their peak potency, using intuitive and ecological methods.

An immersive webinar that reveals the art and science of herb harvesting! This session will equip you with practical skills to ethically harvest your own medicinal plants, whether from your own garden or nature’s wild expanses.

Date: 01/05/2025 | Time: 7:30pm