Reishi Organic (60 Capsules)

Together with high levels of polysaccharides, Reishi contains over 100 triterpenoid compounds (ganoderic and lucidenic acids) which are responsible for many of its unique properties. Although Reishi is traditionally made into a tea (hot-water extract) these triterpenes are poorly water soluble but highly soluble in ethanol (alcohol).

MycoNutri Reishi therefore combines concentrated hot-water (polysaccharide-rich) and ethanolic (triterpene-rich) extracts of log-grown (Duan Wood) Ganoderma lucidum and is standardised to contain 30% polysaccharides and 3% triterpenes in order to deliver the full benefit of this most revered of mushrooms.


60 x 400mg capsules (plant cellulose)

2 capsules, 1-3 times a day as a dietary supplement, or as recommended by your health professional.

Detox Tea (Approx 25g)

This cleansing blend is created to support the flow of fluids through the body, aiding in eliminating excess.


Drops of Love (30ml)

Nourishing and Supportive

Contains: rose for secrecy, rosehip to embrace cycles of life, peppermint a watery nymph to process emotions


Healing Balm

A combination of healing infused oils of Calendula, hypericum and lavender and protective essential oil of lavender. This is a wonderful day to day cream for your herbal tool kits, smoothing skin and supporting wounds, spots and abrasions.


Ache Ease Balm

A warming blend of horseradish, comfrey, heather and essential oils of rosemary and peppermint, this is a long-loved, muscle and ache balm.
