Cleansing & Detoxing With Herbs (Pre-recorded webinar)
This online workshop about cleansing and detoxing with herbs will discuss how to safely prepare and approach a herbal detox. Come and spend some time learning about a herbal cleanse for mind, body and soul. You’ll discover what herbs are the best to use for a detox and how to naturally cleanse your body of toxins.
If you are a member of The Coven Of Herbal Secrets, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more. Check it out HERE.
What does it cover?
- Answers to any of your questions relating to how to do a herbal cleanse.
- What the implications, benefits and potential pitfalls of a detox can be and how to avoid them?
- Discussing all of your organs of elimination, eg the liver is one of the major organs of detoxification and we will explore the different phases that the liver eliminates toxins.
Who is it for?
If you’ve wanted to do a cleanse but haven’t yet done one and are looking at strategies of detoxification involving nutrition and herbs.
What will you find out?
- How to approach a herbal detox?
- How long does it take to fully cleanse your body?
- Why should you do a detox?
- How do you do a cleanse to reset your body?
A word from the authors
In today’s often fast-paced society, we are frequently tempted by convenient food products rather than making fresh meals from scratch. In the long-term, however, this affects the health of your body, coinciding with a rise in obesity and diabetes.
Eating healthy food as close to its natural state as possible, characterised by unrefined, unprocessed, organic and locally grown whole foods is the best you can do for your body.
We have been supporting detoxes with our herbal family folk for 20 years, and do twice yearly cleanses ourselves.

Further learning
Did you know, if you are a member of The Coven, all of our webinars are included, plus exclusive accompanying notes and a whole load more?